Duck Rillettes is a delicious meaty, fatty spread. It's perfect on crostini or crackers. It can be served warm or cold, morning or night, and is a great thing to add to your culinary repertoire. If you dislike liver, rillettes are a friendly alternative to pates and some terrines.
The recipe, I copied nearly exactly from my favorite food blogger, Chef John:
I bought my duck from the local Asian market, Ranch 99. It cost under $25, which could be considered a lot, but I also used the liver to make a pate and the carcass to make stock, so all around, I feel like I got my money's worth.
The orange was very nice in this recipe, and I wouldn't consider it optional. I also could have used a cleaver because my duck came with the head and feet attached! Looking an animal that you will be eating in the eyes is strange for westerners, but while it can be a squeamish affair the first time, it will make you respect the origins of your food a lot more.
Instead of duplicating the ingredients here, follow the link above to learn how to make this. Here are my pictures of the process.